Tag: Punisher

Hinderer XM-18 3.5 custom scale “Punisher”

3K Carbon Fiber with Metal Flake kirinite inlay

ZT 0562 & ZT 0560 “Punisher” scales

3K CF scales for ZT 0560 and ZT 0562

ZT 0562 & ZT 0560 (Punisher)

3K CF scale with Golden Dragon Juma Punisher

ZT 0560 & ZT 0562 “Punisher” scales

3K CF with Metal Flake Kirinite Punisher scale for ZT0562 and 3K CF with Blue Snake Juma…

ZT 0560 “Punisher” scale

3K CF scale with MOP Kirinite Punisher and blue GITD for ZT0560

ZT 0562 and ZT 0550 “Punisher” scales

3k CF scales for ZT0562, ZT0550 with Metal Flake Punisher inlays

ZT 0562 (v.8.1 Orange Punisher)

3k CF scale for ZT0562 with Kirinite Punisher inlay

Boker Plus Trance custom scales (v.1 and v.2)

Custom G10 scale with silver Punisher inlay and custom UD CF scale for Boker Trance

ZT 0562, ZT 0550, ZT 0566, ZT 0560 “Punisher” scales

3k CF scales for ZT0562, ZT0550, ZT0566, ZT0560 with MOP and Metal Flake Kirinite Punisher inlays

ZT 0550 custom G10 scale (v.56.1) and ZT0562 (v.1)

Toxic&Black G10 scales with Punishers texture for ZT0550 and ZT0562

ZT 0560 custom scale (v.13.4)

Custom Carbon Fiber scale with Orange Kirinite Punisher for ZT 0560

ZT 0560 custom scale (v.13.3)

Custom Toxic Green Kirinite scale with Orange Kirinite Punisher for ZT 0560