6 thoughts on “Spyderco Delica 4 custom scales (v.11)

  1. Hi! I just found this website of yours and what you’re doing is awesome!!
    I was wondering how much it would be to purchase this scale in this exact configuration, and if I were to actually order it, generally speaking how long would it take for you to finish making and how long does it take generally for the shipping(I live in Austin, Tx,US)?
    Thank you!!

  2. Hello,
    do you still sell this model?
    if so what would be its price, with sends to France?
    thank you in advance.

  3. Hi,

    how much cost “Spyderco Delica 4 custom scales (v.11) / Black G10 (Peel Ply)” incl. Shipping to Germany.
    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,

  4. Hi! Is this still in production? Seriously interested. How much would shipping to the Philippines cost?

  5. Je découvre votre site et ,j’adore vos réalisations ,

    Je souhaiterais acquérir cet ensemble pour remplacer les horribles plaquettes frn de mon delica 4, Noir G10 (Peel Ply)

    Aussi pourriez vous m’en indiquer le prix et les délais de fabrication ,et de livraison.

    Au plaisir de vous lire

    Bien a vous

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