Category: ZT0630 ZT0620

ZT 0620/30 scale (v.23 Small Frag)

3K Carbon Fiber

ZT 0620/30 scale (v.22)

3K Carbon Fiber

ZT 0630/0620 CF scales (TX Flag and Venom)

3K Carbon Fiber scale with GITD TX Flag and Venom graphic

ZT 0630/0620 CF scale (US Flag)

3K Carbon Fiber scale with GITD US Flag

ZT 0620/30 scale (v.21)

3K Carbon Fiber with cross&shield graphic

ZT 0620/30 scale (v.20)

3K Carbon Fiber

ZT 0620/30 scale (v.19)

Orange G10

ZT 0620/0630 and ZT 0562 CF scales (US Flag)

UniDirectional Carbon Fiber

ZT 0620/30 scale (v.18 “Hexs”)

UniDirectional Carbon Fiber

ZT 0620/30 (v.17 “Judge DREDD”) CF scale

3K CF scale for ZT 0620/30

ZT 0620/30 (v.9.1) G10 scales

Black G10 scale with blood splashes

ZT 0562 & ZT 0630 “Punisher” scales

3K CF scale for ZT 0562 with Snow Tac Juma Punisher 3K CF scale for ZT 0620/0630…

ZT 0620/0630 G10 scale (v.11.1 Punisher skulls)

Coyote Brown G10 scale for ZT 0630 / 0620

ZT 0620/30 (v.16) CF scale

UniDirectional (UD) CF scale for ZT0620/630 broken grid

ZT 0620/30 (v.15) CF scale

UniDirectional (UD) CF scale for ZT0620/630 Stoned Grid

ZT 0620/30 (v.14) CF scale

3K CF scale for ZT0620/630 Big Stoned Squares

ZT0630/620 and ZT0566 G10 “Punisher” scales

Black&Blue G10 scales for ZT 06360/20 and ZT 0566

ZT0630/620 and ZT0566 Micarta “Punisher” scales

Brown Micarta Canvas scales for ZT 06360/20 and ZT 0566

ZT 0560, ZT0562 & ZT 0630 “Punisher” scales

3K CF scale for ZT 056O with Purple Juma Punisher 3K CF scale for ZT 0562 with…

ZT 0620/30 (v.13) CF scale

3K CF scale for ZT0620/630 Frag ‘n Stone

ZT 0620/30 (v.12) CF scale

3K CF scale for ZT0620/630

ZT 0620/30 (v.11) G10 scale

Blue G10 scale with Texas Star

ZT 0620/0630 CF scale (v.11 Punisher skulls)

3k CF scale for ZT 0630 / 0620

ZT 0620/30 (v.10 Kryptek) and ZT 0562 (v.24.1 Small Frag)

3K CF scales for ZT0620/0630 and ZT0562